On having planned your trip, choose suppliers that offer guarantees of quality and respect to the human rights and to the environment. You as traveler must bear in mind: Use the natural resources, as the water and the energy, moderately. Remember that they are scanty goods.

Try to minimize the generation of residues. They are a pollution source. When it has to get rid of a residue, do it in a cleanest way that facilitates its place of destination. In a natural space try that the only fingerprint left be your footwear.

If you visit sensitive ecosystems, as reefs of coral or jungles, make sure you are well informed in how to do so in order to cause the minor possible impact and not degrade them. When you buy gifts and suvenirs look for products that are an expression of the local culture.

Do not acquire flora and fauna protected by the Agreement of International Trade of Species Threatened with Fauna and Flora Silvestres , nor products derived from the above mentioned species. It is a crime and contributes to his extinction.

At your destiny enjoy knowing the culture, gastronomy and traditions of the local populations. Respect them and approach them, they have a lot to communicate.

Try to contribute with your presence with the development of a responsible and sustainable tourism, building a more healthy and solidary planet. Following these recommendations the tourist will help to preserve the biological wealth of the Earth and to improve the opportunities of development of many persons.